The Abundance Journey Show

Abundance Is a Choice - Enjoy Abundance NOW!

The Purpose of Self-Doubt

If you’re alive, you’ve experienced Self Doubt. That voice inside your head that is constantly evaluating you. Self doubt makes up stories that you aren’t ready yet, that you aren’t good enough, that you can’t be successful. 

The problem is that we often misunderstand the true meaning behind self doubt. When we think that self doubt is a warning sign, indicating that we aren’t ready, that we are not good enough… It’s NOT TRUE. That’s not the right meaning!

Listen to The Purpose of Self Doubt to discover the real meaning of Self Doubt. Participate in a simple exercise that can change everything.

About the Host, Elaine Starling:

An international TEDx speaker, bestselling author, coach and mentor, Elaine Starling is recognized for her video show and podcast, The Abundance Journey. After a comprehensive conversation with our higher power during a stroke, Elaine created The Abundance Journey 6 week course to share what she learned. As the Abundance Ambassador, Elaine mentors spiritual, growth-oriented women to align with Divine guidance to achieve their dreams. Elaine’s clients experience more clarity, confidence, and commit to action that achieves their goals. 

Elaine Starling Social Media Links:




TEDx Talk, “Abundance Is a Choice”


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Elaine Starling:

The Abundance Journey explores all the ways abundance shows up to help you expand the abundance you embody, express and experience as your journey unfolds.

Elaine Starling:

Hello, and welcome. I'm Elaine Starling, the abundance ambassador and the host of the abundance journey video show and podcast, entrepreneurs who want to create lasting prosperity and fulfillment work with me to make sure their transformations stick. Now, one of the key things that blocks abundance is self doubt. So maybe you've experienced this in the past, have you ever found yourself wondering if what you're doing the work that you're doing in the world, the service you provide is what the world really, really wants. You know, maybe you look at your past track record, and you notice all the ideas that you abandoned midstream, they seem good at the time, but you just never completed it. You know, you've got a lot of skills and a good idea this time.

Elaine Starling:

But what if that isn't enough? Maybe you find yourself anxiously evaluating other people and, and you see them as competition, they've been at it longer than you have the connections, you don't have the kind of team that you don't have. So you convince yourself that your product or your service just isn't quite good enough. Maybe you're afraid of being taken advantage of. You've got some pretty unique ideas. But if you share them out there publicly, what if somebody steals them, and you don't have a chance to promote it and benefit from it yourself? Maybe you've been working on this for kind of a while and it's high time you started earning some money. So you start trying to figure out well, what are some solutions that can get me there faster, you think? Well, maybe you need to learn something new. So you can stand out from the crowd, maybe you need to revise your program and and rework it a little bit. So it's just that much better before you launch it. Maybe you need to approach your message in a different way, a different angle on what you're doing.

Elaine Starling:

If these kinds of thoughts are plaguing you, you're not alone. Most entrepreneurs struggle with self doubt like this from time to time. And the biggest challenge with self doubt, is that we don't understand the true meaning we assign the wrong meaning to self doubt, when we think that self doubt is a warning sign. And it indicates that we aren't ready or that we're not good enough. That's not true. That's not the right meaning at all. That's not what's intended. Actually, self doubt is a lot more like that starting gun at the beginning of a race. It's supposed to launch you into action, not paralyze you with anxiety. self doubt is actually a sign that you're pushing yourself to new heights that you're leaning in to grow really quickly. There are no guarantees, which is what makes life really perfect and exciting. The surprise is what delights us. And often the delight is kind of surprising in and of itself, isn't it? So the next time you feel that sense of self doubt, just remember that it's a sign you are in the perfect place to grow. You are one small part of the process. It's not just you. It's also the divine, and your clients who are partnered up with you. And believe it or not, they actually carry more weight than you do.

Elaine Starling:

You know, during my conversation with the divine, I was told that the key thing to understand about life is that it's not really that much about you. It's through you. We are all conduits for the divine. We express divine love through our unique skills, our abilities, our products, our services, realizing that your role is to be a conduit for the divine that you are in partnership with the divine. That goes a long way to removing self doubt because it's not about you. It's through you and you're getting out of the way so the divine can flow through you. self doubt is just a tap on the shoulder from the Divine, reminding you that it's time to partner up.

Elaine Starling:

So I want you to take a moment to take 10 Deep breaths. Now your mind could wander. I just invite you to bring it back again. Start over until you get 10 uninterrupted breaths in row. Now I'm gonna do this with you. Only do this if you're in a place where it's safe for you to do this. So with every single inhale, I want you to imagine this huge beam of gold and love and light, coming down to fill every single atom of your body. And as you're inhaling, you think I love myself, with every single exhale, imagine that you're doing a Marie Kondo on all the old energy that's in your body, it served you really well. But now it's time to bless that energy and let it go with love. So as you exhale, thank Thank you. Again, if it's safe to do this, you can join me and close your eyes. We're going to do 10 breaths together right now with every inhale. I love myself with every exhale. Thank you. And I'm going to do this out loud. You don't have to Okay, let's get started.

Elaine Starling:

I love myself. Thank You (Repeated several times)

Elaine Starling:

Remember, you are in partnership with the Divine and all as well. Be sure to listen to my next episode, we're going to clear out another big barrier to abundance. And if you haven't joined the abundance journey community yet, make sure you go to and share how it feels to partner up with the divine. I'll see you in the next episode.