The Abundance Journey Show

Abundance Is a Choice - Enjoy Abundance NOW!

Lisa Barnett & The Akashic Records

Did you know that your soul’s contract is accessible through the Akashic records? Join us as Lisa Barnett reveals how you can modify the Akashic records to improve your life right now.

About the Guest:

Lisa Barnett is the internationally recognized bestselling author of two Akashic Record books. She is also the Founder of Akashic Knowing School where she teaches students around the world to access personal Soul wisdom and guidance to transform their lives. As an Akashic Record Reader and Teacher she has more than twenty-five years of experience in the spiritual healing and Akashic field. She incorporates information from your Soul’s Library, with energetic healing on a Soul level to help you break through blocks, clear pain, fear and Karma, to create the Life Your Heart and Soul Desire.


Personal Links:


Resource Link: Expand Your Soul Signature Guided Meditation

About the Host, Elaine Starling:

An international TEDx speaker, bestselling author, coach and mentor, Elaine Starling is recognized for her video show and podcast, The Abundance Journey. After a comprehensive conversation with our higher power during a stroke, Elaine created The Abundance Journey 6 week course to share what she learned. As the Abundance Ambassador, Elaine mentors spiritual, growth-oriented women to align with Divine guidance to achieve their dreams. Elaine’s clients experience more clarity, confidence, and commit to action that achieves their goals. 

Elaine Starling Social Media Links:




TEDx Talk, “Abundance Is a Choice”


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Elaine Starling:

The Abundance Journey explores all the ways abundance shows up to help you expand the abundance you embody, express and experience as your journey unfolds.

Elaine Starling:

Hey, this is Elaine Starling. I'm the abundance ambassador. I'm so excited. I've got Lisa Burnett here with me today, you're gonna love this lady. If you have not heard of Lisa Burnett, oh my gosh, you're in for such a treat. What a beautiful, heart centered, amazing woman. And you know me, I am all about abundance. I'm all about how you can show up in an emotional space where you're really open to receiving all the abundance of the universe. And Lisa is a master Lisa, welcome. I'm so happy to have you here today.

Lisa Barnett:

Thank you, I am thrilled to join you, Elaine.

Elaine Starling:

Cool, well, let's get right into it. Because a lot of people think about abundance in different ways. And you have your own unique background and your own experience, because you're an expert in the Akashic records. So a lot of people I'm sure don't understand what the Akashic records are. So if you could maybe explain what that is, and then talk about what abundance means for you, as it relates to the work that you do with the Akashic records.

Lisa Barnett:

Oh, perfect. So the Akashic Record is the recording of your soul's journey through all time. So if you imagine from the moment you individuated, from source, your soul said, Let's go play. And we, as souls travel through the universes, that galaxies, so many planets, planes, and dimensions, and we eventually come here to Earth. And what I have found, after 2530 years of working in the energy of the Akashic field is that most of us have had many hundreds of are on earth. And so 400 500 600 lives, just to kind of figure out the whole plan, and pattern that we really come to learn about here as a soul. So when I think about the Akashic records, this field, which is part of source energy, it is part of the quantum field. And I think about abundance. What that really brings to mind for me is infinite abundance of everything. Because that is truly who you are, as an ancient and why soul, you have had so many abundant lives with money, love, health, wealth, all kinds of, you know, energies of abundance. And one of the very fun things I love to do in the Akashic records, is to help my clients and students reclaim that energy of abundance of whatever kind of abundance you're looking for, or, of course, all kinds of abundance,

Elaine Starling:

that is so important that is so important. And, you know, often there are things that get in the way from us experiencing the sort of abundance that we're after, have you noticed something in particular that stops people from achieving the abundance that they want?

Lisa Barnett:

Oh, absolutely. And to me, that's really the very powerful, profound work that we can do when we start to access our own information in our own Akashic Record. So if you imagine you have a library of who you are, because you've got so many hundreds and 1000s of books in there, we can say, what is blocking me from a greater say, abundance of money. And for so many of us, especially people who are on kind of a soul driven spiritual path. We have been spiritual people in so many lifetimes. And often we've been part of different kinds of religions, or we've been part of a church or a group. And many of us I would venture to say that probably, mostly all of us have done this in some time, in history in our lives, and we've taken vows of poverty. So we have said, I will not take money for my spiritual gifts and talents. And that could be everything for a person who is especially on a spiritual path. Now in those lives, we lived in monastery stories or, you know, someplace we were taking care of we were often nuns or priests or monks. And so we didn't really have to take money because we were living in a cloister, we were had someone who was, you know, housing us and feeding us and clothing us. And so we could do our work, our prayer work, our healing work, our our energetic, different kinds of work we've done in all these different lifetimes. And so you could say that you can say, I'm not going to take any money because you didn't need it.

Elaine Starling:

Right? Right. So then when people work with you, and they access their Akashic records, how do you shift that? What do you do to change that? So that now in this lifetime, you have a different kind of experience?

Lisa Barnett:

Well, the beautiful thing is, again, because the Akashic Record is in the quantum field, I can move outside of time and space in that quantum field, kind of pluck out some of those old past lives where we've blocked ourselves, we can literally release those vows of poverty and other types of vows, or soul contracts that stop us or block us from creating a more abundant life or, and in that case, we're talking a little bit more about abundance of, of money and prosperity. And we can literally go because there is no time space in the quantum field, we can release that energy, fill it back up with our own really highest present moment, energy and wisdom, and really collapse time. So we're bringing that healed energy that has no more vowels in it into your body now.

Elaine Starling:

Oh, that's beautiful. And it leads into my next question, because I really strongly feel that it's so important for us to acknowledge the abundance that is already present, because we have to notice what's there and feel grateful for it before the universe starts opening up and showing us even more about us. It's like a, the snowball rolling downhill, right? gathering momentum. What do you like to do, personally, to anchor in those abundance experiences for yourself? What's been most effective for you?

Lisa Barnett:

Oh, great question.

Elaine Starling:

I know not to put you on the spot or anything but dying to know, you know, what's working for you.

Lisa Barnett:

Of course, I always say, you know, I open my own Akashic records. Because when I use the sacred access key that I've been given from the Akashic record keepers, my energy literally will shift from this kind of plane and dimension into a higher space of calm and peace. And really, the interesting thing is, I've been doing some scientific studies and will actually continue this, I started working with a headband that actually reads your brainwaves. And you it's for meditation, and so it has an app on your phone, and I was playing with it the other day, had just gotten. And it was in kind of neutral mode, which in this it's is yellow. And, you know, aggravated as of course, you know, cut P Blue, right, perfect for me. I was sitting there was a Sunday morning. And I was trying, right, and I always say, Don't try just to do, right, that's so important. I was trying to meditate. I was trying to be in my heart, I was trying to be peaceful. I was watching my breath, I was trying a bunch of fabulous techniques. And I just started to laugh. And I thought, I'm just gonna open my Akashic records. And I started to say the success prayer that opens and moves me into the records. And I could just see on my little app, that I went from, you know, 15 minutes, and a yellow and red and a little bit of stress and struggle to straight into blue, and just a big wide swath of this blue energy. And it was like, That's phenomenal to have this kind of visual proof scientific proof of shifting my brainwaves. so fabulous. Just saying literally a line. Now I've been doing this forever, but a lot the very first line just saying the first few words of this access prayer. And so what I do is I open the records, I go into that space. I picture my heart as a beautiful gold expansive spinning ball. Love energy, I just really go very deeply into that space of unconditional love, and gratitude. And then I just start to give great thanks to everything that comes to mind, whether it's my sweet little puppy snoring in the chair, to me or that lullaby to Hunter cook last night, or you know, all of those lovely things, whatever, whatever it is, a nice cup of coffee, on a cold day, or a warm cup of tea, you know, when the wind is blowing, I mean, it can be all of those beautiful, simple, simple things. And, and I know that and then, and then it builds, and then I start to feel the love of whole everyone in my family. And I started to experience and even as we experience it, what I also know is that we're connecting, and sending that love and gratitude and life to them also. So that, that heart center, that experience is just expanding and getting bigger and bigger, if I will sit for five or 10 or 15 minutes in that energy of gratitude. And, and

Elaine Starling:

that is so powerful. And such a great reminder, thank you. Because I think we all realize that we struggle from time to time, and to have a guru, like you be willing to say, you know, there are times when I can really catch sounds like I have to get back into the zone to and I love the idea of a headband and really paying attention to the color. And and making a declaration. You're absolutely right. When you're trying I find specific words make a difference trying is a mind word, and it stops me cold. And so if I can get into a heart word, and just say this is what I am connected with the Divine, I am in the Akashic records I am and then go there in the heart. It's just so transformative. And I know, you've got a special gift for our listeners today and our viewers so that they can more rapidly get into that space. Could you talk a little bit about that?

Lisa Barnett:

Absolutely. So this is a guided visualization that I do, where I bring you into your heart center. It's called the soul symbol meditation. And we really have these huge expansive hearts energetically, they can expand, you know, beyond really the world beyond our Earth. And so it's a beautiful, guided visualization to expand your heart, and invite you to send all of these beautiful soul symbol sparkles out around the earth to connect to the abundance that you're desiring. It may connect you to more people or it may be jobs or people to support you in finding a new job or brands or sole family members. You can do it again and again with different intentions each time. But it's very much about connecting you heart to heart with the abundance of the of the people and the energy that's here to support you on your soul path.

Elaine Starling:

That is so beautiful. And thank you for your generous gift to all of us. I really appreciate I can't wait to do it myself. This is gonna be a ton of fun. I'll let you know how it goes. People feedback on the experience that I've had from using a tool that they recommend, and it just Yeah, it's I think it's important to acknowledge and appreciate people, it makes a big difference. And I also want to encourage the audience to find a way to help Lisa. I know I know you think but who me just little me What can I do? Yeah, I don't matter. Yes, you do. You make a massive difference. And when you're willing to give and you show up as the abundance that you are by supporting someone else, that's a sign to the universe that you're ready to receive more abundance, because when you give is when you get it ricochets back to you. So Lisa, is there something we can do for you that would really help you with your abundance.

Lisa Barnett:

Thank you lovely pod, Elaine. So I would love to have people share the meditation with all of their friends. So let's all continue opening our hearts further and further connecting with everyone around the world. And just really enjoy the abundance that create in that way. And I'd also love to help people check out my YouTube channel where there's even more different meditations and lots of videos so, so please check out the YouTube channel. unsubscribe, and I would love that and be so grateful. Now I'm

Elaine Starling:

really gonna love Lisa's channel, she's got so many great videos, honestly, you'll, you'll love them. And you'll be sharing them with all your friends because she provides so much powerful information and tips and tools that really make a difference for you. Lisa, thank you so much for being here today. I really appreciate your willingness to just be there with us. And I want to remind everybody that once you've experienced this relationship, you've been a part of our relationship during this conversation, our energy is now connected with yours. So as we are having a better day, and trust me, Lisa and I are always working on having a better day, we help lift your energy too. So just know that we are there for you. And we love you so much. And we're so excited for you, and all the abundance that is flowing your way. Lisa, is there anything else that you'd like to share as a final but

Lisa Barnett:

I always love to just remind people how important it is to spend that time in your heart, being the love and just shining your light out. However that feels appropriate for you. Sometimes it's just that moment of feeling love, feeling loved. And that is what will really help us transform the world with ease and grace. So thank you. So good,

Elaine Starling:

so good. Such a good reminder. Because you know, we get busy and we're so busy trying to do do do do do we forget we have to be we have to get inside ourselves and we have to reconnect with the divine. And we have to feel that love energy. And then everything flows easily and joyfully. And in we don't have to struggle and work so hard. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for that brilliant reminder. And I hope you've enjoyed today's call today's session. Please stay tuned and watch the next episode. And do comment and share the podcasts and the video show with all your friends. Because hey, who doesn't need a little uplifting experience and Lisa, she is top notch.

Elaine Starling:

Hey, so now it's time to activate abundance. And I'm so thrilled that we get to share Lisa Burnett's message and activate abundance at this point. So step one is to celebrate. And personally, I love to celebrate that our energy is now connected with Lisa's, and my energy is connected not just with Lisa, but with your energy too. And that is an incredibly powerful thing, we actually have a lot more influence over each other than we realize I'll share more on that later. But just celebrate the fact that there are people out there who really care who have found solutions that really work for them. And if it works for them, there's a chance it could work for you too. So how wonderful that we're all connected. That's what I love to celebrate. Next, I want to acknowledge what Lisa has brought to the table. I'm not familiar with the Akashic records, I only know of them from what I know through Lisa. And it's just a very different experience than what I'm familiar with. I really appreciate that Lisa is owning her truth. She's done the research. She's been in this space for 2530 years she was saying, so she knows it. And her level of understanding is leaps and bounds years and years ahead of my own. So I really want to acknowledge that Lisa is bringing a very unique perspective for me to the table. You can acknowledge whatever is there for you from the conversation that you've just experienced with Lisa. And I want to appreciate how real and open Lisa was today. Because her being willing to admit when she hits roadblocks, it's okay for us to have roadblocks to in terms of activating abundance. I was really intrigued with what Lisa said about that headband that monitors how deep she is in meditation. I think that's absolutely brilliant because it's wonderful to get that independent feedback on how you're doing. So I'm actually going to look into getting a headband of my own. That's going to activate abundance. I hope this was helpful. Make sure you remember to celebrate, acknowledge, appreciate and activate abundance and you'll be amazed at how it starts to show up for you. I'll see you next time.