The Abundance Journey Show

Abundance Is a Choice - Enjoy Abundance NOW!

It’s Not About You

Have you ever worried about what other people might think of you?

That happened to Elaine after her conversation with our Higher Power during a stroke. As a very logical, right brain, by-the-books entrepreneur…Elaine’s sudden immersion and saturation in spirituality really freaked her out.

This episode shares how The Divine explained the meaning behind, “Life isn’t so much ABOUT YOU: Life is THROUGH you.” Elaine reveals how she finally got out of her own way with The Abundance Journey™. 

About the Host, Elaine Starling:

An international TEDx speaker, bestselling author, coach and mentor, Elaine Starling is recognized for her video show and podcast, The Abundance Journey. After a comprehensive conversation with our higher power during a stroke, Elaine created The Abundance Journey 6 week course to share what she learned. As the Abundance Ambassador, Elaine mentors spiritual, growth-oriented women to align with Divine guidance to achieve their dreams. Elaine’s clients experience more clarity, confidence, and commit to action that achieves their goals. 

Elaine Starling Social Media Links:




TEDx Talk, “Abundance Is a Choice”


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Elaine Starling:

The Abundance Journey explores all the ways abundance shows up to help you expand the abundance you embody Express and experience as your journey unfolds.

Elaine Starling:

Hello, and welcome. I'm Elaine Starling, the abundance ambassador and the host of the abundance journey video show and podcast. entrepreneurs that want lasting prosperity and fulfillment work with me to make sure their transformations stick. So let me ask you something. Have you ever worried about what other people might think of you? Yeah, that happened to me big time after my conversation with our higher power during my stroke. I mean, here I am a very, very logical, you know, right brain by the books entrepreneur. And I'm suddenly completely immersed, I mean saturated in spirituality. Just, if you can imagine this, imagine that you've just swallowed Google, in every single form, past present future, every single video image, chat keyword found by everything, you've swallowed that hole, you've swallowed every single color, including some that human beings can't see. You've swallowed every single audio sound, including some that our ears can't hear everything all in one fell swoop. Ooh, there it is.

Elaine Starling:

And now you have to share it in a very logical, rational, structured, easy to understand way so people can benefit from it. Hey, no pressure, right? Oh, man, my head was totally sweating. I was so totally overwhelmed. And really, really worried about what other people were gonna think. I mean, what was it gonna say? Oh, yeah, just had this great networking session with the divine. And he was awesome. Had a great time. Oh, yeah, they were gonna think it was really ugly. Not. I mean, frankly, I wasn't worried about it myself, except I kept getting these divine downloads. I call it divine downloads, because I'll get these ideas is information that is so expansive and uplifting, and from a much, much broader perspective than anything I have. I mean, yeah, it accesses words that I know in a language I speak. But beyond that, it's way beyond anything I could come up with. That's how I know it's a divine download. And I really kept thinking, but what if I get it wrong? I'm not exactly a spiritual guru, by anybody's estimation. What do people start challenging me about? You know, what's in the Bible, or the Koran or the Torah? I don't know any of that stuff. I'm totally clueless about that. I have no idea how that relates to what I just was told in my stroke. I was so freaked out about this amazing experience. I didn't talk about it with anybody for three years, not anybody my husband didn't know, my friends and family had no idea. I was completely alone, dealing with this bizarre, wonderful, incredible experience, that I had to figure out how to share.

Elaine Starling:

One of the messages that I received the the divine that really served me, the divine said, look, the thing you have to understand is that life isn't that much about you. Life is through you. Well, I was so stressed out. I mean, I was really caught up in this whole about you part of it, we were people gonna think of me, how could I bring this up in casual conversation? How would this damage my relationships with people that I really love? So I asked the divine look, if it's not about me, then what am I responsible for? What am I supposed to be doing? If it's not about me? Well, I immediately heard back, you are responsible for your choices. Your choices either open you up, to allow more divine love to flow through you as you or your choices. restrict the flow of divine love through you. When your choices restrict the flow life feels really hard, challenging, difficult. When your choices open the flow, life feels easy, interesting and Have fun.

Elaine Starling:

So I kept going, in spite of wondering what people would think. I just kept choosing to open, I kept refining the abundance, Journey training, all the way to the point where there was nothing left to refine, it was time to share it with other people, no matter how anxious it made me, I saw this process working brilliantly in my own life, I really, really wanted other people to have the same kind of transformation that I got to enjoy. And that's when it happened. That was when I finally got out of my own way, when it stopped being about me, and how people would react to me, instead, my focus turned to you, and how I can support you. The choice that I make is always about my level of passion and commitment to creating an uplifting, transformational experience for you. I can bring you the transformation, I can bring you that great experience, it's up to you to actually accept and use the transformation that I provide. You have skin in the game, because actually, it's not just my game, it's your game to you being here and participating. Makes it your game to and what's at stake, what you're playing for is your level of abundance, how much you love life, how much you get to enjoy your life.

Elaine Starling:

Every aspect of abundance is available to you. It's all about how you're willing to show up. So I don't ever worry about what people think, you know, hey, it's up to them. If you want to experience abundance, you'll tune in to the abundance journey video show or podcast, maybe you'll take the abundance journey course I can show the way the abundance journey course is actually all about you and how you can experience abundance in all forms. And then you get to choose the transformation you want to experience. Ultimately what I want you to realize, in every single situation, no matter what is going on, you are abundance. I really want you to get this you are abundance. You are abundance through the choices you make that activate abundance. I'm just so excited that you're here with me on this amazing journey. I want you to visit the website, which is the abundance and you can register for a masterclass where I'm going to take you behind the scenes so you get some foundational insights that reveal your role, what you control and how you can live your optimal life. Thanks so much for being here. I'll see you in the next episode.